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The autosave feature in MakePlace will save your current layout as a separate .backup file with the same name as your main save (as long as you have saved it already. If not, it will be named Save, Save1, Save2, or so on). To use this backup file simple remove the .backup portion of the file name so it ends with just .json.
Your shopping list is a .txt file located in the same Save folder as your saved layouts and backups. It will have the same name that you've given your layout and includes both indoor and outdoor furnishings and dyes. It DOES NOT include fixtures (chandelier, wallpaper, flooring).
These are both located in the Save folder in your MakePlace directory.
When an item is selected and a furnishing menu is opened, there will be an option with a check box in the bottom right of your screen to Replace Item. Ensure this is (un)selected as per your desired outcome.
Yes! You can select multiple items to move together by Shift + left clicking on each item. Now you can drag them together.
If you want to save this grouping of items, left click on the Pencil and Ruler icon in the bottom left menu, enter a name for this grouping into the text box, click "combine" then "save."
These are called Custom Designs and will be saved in the Custom folder of your MakePlace directory.
To change the housing district to your desired location simply click on any pillar or staircase inside the house.
In the top right menu find the House icon. Click on thise and you will have the option to change the house size as well as the interior and ambient lighting.
To change any of these, simply click on the relevant piece (chandelier, floor, wall) and the available options will populate on the right side of your screen.